sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

queso, quesito fresco…compre YA!!

mon 30- mar
queso, quesito fresco…compre YA!!

doña rosa me viste con su ropa típica de la región…primero la falda, después la blusa, las alpargatas, la chalina, siguen las walkas y luego un sombrero q me queda recontra chico y decido dejarlo… cada prenda con su propio proceso hace q vestirse sea todo un ritual… sin embargo, mi mente se entretiene con una pequeña preocupación: hace desde un mes y pico q no me afeito las piernas!! estos si q no tienen nada de bello…pero bueh, dejo de lado toda vanidad y vergüenza, y salgo con doña maría alegría para Ibarra a vender quesos frescos de apangora…queso, quesitos frescos con y sin sal por solo $1.50!! recorriendo todo el mercado y sus alrededores buscando compradores quesero, anduvimos por siete horas y media…pudimos vender 59 de los 60 q habíamos llevado pero nos costó unas cuantas ampollas e incontables sonrisas a gente q estaba harta de tratar de estirar su dólar un cachito más…
(pd, re: pix de vaca, menos mal q soy vegetariana)

cheese, fresh cheese…buy it NOW!!

doña rosa dresses me in her garments, typical of the region…first, the skirt, then the blouse, the espadrilles, the scarf, then follow the walkas y a hat, but the fit wasn’t right so I decided to leave it…each garment with its own process felt like getting dressed was a ritual in itself…however, my mind was a bit entertained with a small preoccupation: I haven’t shaved my legs in over a month and a half!! I really wasn’t ready to strut myself in a skirt…anywho, I leave behind any vanity and shame, and join doña maría alegría (trans happy mary) in Ibarra to sell fresh apangora cheese…cheese, who wants some fresh tender with or without salt cheese for only $1.50!! our route in the market and its surrounding areas trying to find cheese lovers took approximately 7 and an half hours…we were able to sell 59 out of the 60 we had on hand, at the cost of a few blisters and countless smiles to those who were drained trying to extend their dollar just a little bit further.
(ps, re: pix of cow meat; long live the veggies!!)

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